Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sunburn More Condition_treatment


Drug trafficking has come back strongly in Guinea-Bissau, where the cocaine trade threatens to further destabilize the country after the assassination of the President and the attempted coup, have revealed the U.S. authorities and the UN.

Early last year, traffickers seem to have abandoned the coastal region, international attention after he began to focus on this scourge and train the country's police.

Tens of uninhabited islands are used as warehouses for drugs from South America, passing through the country each year en route to Europe for a total estimated in billions of dollars.

"Drug trafficking is taken up again "in the country, said this week Alexandre Schmidt, regional representative for West Africa of the United Nations (UN) Office on Drugs and Crime.

It 's a disturbing phenomenon in a country where the money for the drugs only serves to further the military officers who, for a long time, tend to dismiss the elected leaders.

Last year, the Guinean President, Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira, and the army chief, General Tagma Na Waie, were murdered.

The country seemed to come out of this situation, with the election of the president Malam Bacai Sanha, but about a year later, Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior, and the head of the Armed Forces, Zamora Inductive were arrested in an attempted coup d'état.

The prime minister has been released, while the army chief is still in detention.

In the midst of political chaos, the international community was being formed by police officers to investigate drug trafficking, thus doubling the number of police in the fight against drug trafficking from 80 to 160 agents.

Their field of action is no longer limited to the capital and Schmidt said that the traffickers have returned in large numbers because they can act with impunity.

The United Nations office based in part his statements to the seizures of cocaine. When the Guinea-Bissau was "completely abbandonata" all'inizio dello scorso anno, è sembrato chiaro che la cocaina scorreva verso l'Europa attraverso i porti diversi.

In un rapporto della missione ONU nel paese indirizzato al segretario generale dell'organizzazione in Marzo, si dice che non molto è cambiato dal mese di ottobre, ma paradossalmente non vi è più una misura attendibile dei traffici illeciti.

"Quasi tutte le droghe arrivano in aereo oggi," ha detto Schmidt, aggiungendo che i traffici non sono più in mare, visto che gli aerei tendono a essere più difficilmente intercettabili.

"E 'molto più difficile oggi sapere quanta cocaina circola in Africa occidentale. Il mercato delle droghe è qui e il drug trafficking, declined for a period of last year, has started to grow definitivamete and very strong, "Schmidt said.

In a poor country, the cocaine trade makes it easy for traffickers to corrupt officials and military .

The drug trade exacerbates the fragile political situation in the country, according to David Mosby, Head of Political Section U.S. Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.

In April, the U.S. Treasury Department has reported that the former head of Guinea's navy, Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, and the air force chief, Ibrahim Camara Pope, are "ringleaders" of the traffic.



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