Thursday, June 24, 2010

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PGR wants greater involvement of the United States and the United Nations

Guinea-Bissau wants greater involvement of U.S. and UN processes on the latest murders in the country.

The authorities in Guinea have seen almost fulfilled the promise of the American administration in a time when the voices that accentuates the need to streamline the process of inquiry into the deaths of "Nino" Vieira, Tagma Na Waye and Helder Proença Baciro Dabo.

A delegation sent by Washington to prepare the delegation that will work together with national courts in proceedings met on Friday with the Office of the Attorney General.

It was a meeting that lasted about an hour and has served for the presentation plans or work programs, the prosecutor, the magistrate with whom the United States is going to work, at the moment is the capital of Guinea, to investigate and processes related to drug trafficking and organized crime in Guinea- Bissau.

During the meeting, the Attorney General's Office, Amine Saad, told reporters he had informed the U.S. delegation that the completion of the investigation into the deaths in the last two years, they will not will be closed without the 'seal of approval "of the judicial authorities in the United States or the United Nations, arguing that it is necessary to maintain the image positive in Guinea-Bissau.

The request of the authorities of Guinea 'to the UP Government to assist and strengthen the investigation came after the murders of' Nino Vieira, and Tagma Na Waye, in March 2008, because at that time, Washington sent a team of FBI. This team has worked with the police in Guinea, and then is a report, whose contents should be part of the process.

source: jornaldigital

Monday, June 14, 2010

Acronis Installation Interupted


THE GIFT. A delegation Brescia on a mission to Africa for the official ceremony of delivery to the local diocese
The structure, capable of providing care and surgery, realized through the efforts of Rotary Winged Victory, and two non-profit organization of Poliambulanza

A group of Brescia coordinated by the Heart and supported by the generosity of many, has built and donated to Guinea Bissau (small, poor and troubled country on the coast of central Africa atlatica) a hospital equipped, that is complete and capable of providing care and surgery.
In recent days, the heads of the organizations that are loaded weight of the transaction (the Rotary Club Winged Victory, which has several years of commitment raccolto e donato oltre 250 mila euro, la Onlus Poliambulanza Charitatis Opera e altre due organizzazioni non governative) sono volati nella capitale Bissau per partecipare all'inaugurazione delle opere e consegnarle definitivamente alla Diocesi e, suo tramite, alla gente.
La notizia, come tante che appartengono al filone della generosità e della solidarietà, potrebbe chiudersi qui. Ma l'Africa in questi giorni è al centro delle attenzioni dei media globali, grazie al campionato mondiale di calcio, il primo mondiale africano: in Sudafrica, la nazione lambita da tre oceani e adesso onorata dai tifosi di tutto il mondo, si celebrano nell'occasione sedici anni di libertà e di accettabile convivenza (è ancora problematico definirla "Peaceful") between whites and blacks. It fell to Nelson Mandela, who today is widely considered the "father of the fatherland," close the past and deliver your new country in the history of the world.
UNFORTUNATELY FOR AFRICA, although the winds of freedom blowing stronger and stronger, there is only one of South Africa now faces the football world. All the rest live in hardship, more or less overt colonization, wars silent and hidden violence that wear is even more obvious where the humanitarian aid carried and loving. In Africa are dying of hunger and thirst for diseases that we would be treated with a simple analgesic ... Not only in Africa still prevail powers to require land to give birth only oil, precious stones, precious and hazardous materials (uranium, for example) and the hungry people promise croissants instead of bread. Guinea-Bissau, in particular, small enough to enter in the news only during riots and violent political upheavals, still does not know the wind of freedom and democracy. He lives with the crumbs, because despite the size, these are humanitarian aid, the missionaries of charity, generosity of the international associations and organizations. PROJECT
completed by Brescia about the children's hospital founded by his father Herman Battisti, a PIME missionary home thirty. Father
Ermanno aveva iniziato l'opera contando sul sostegno di tante «anime buone» e sulla convinzione che all'insufficienza degli aiuti avrebbe sicuramente posto rimedio la Provvidenza. Qualche anno fa bussò alla porta dei bresciani e la trovò spalancata. Proprio in un ospedale bresciano, alla Poliambulanza, due dei ragazzi che lui aveva spedito in Europa per laurearsi in medicina (200 inviati, 180 laureati prima di rientrare in patria) stavano lavorando: uno in chirurgia, l'altro in pediatria. Fu il dottor Augusto Barbosa, impegnato in chirurgia, a parlare del suo Paese e dei progetti di padre Ermanno al professor Giovanni Morandi, responsabile dell'Unità Operativa di Chirurgia generale, cuore generoso e solidale oltre che socio, più later also President of Rotary Winged Victory of Brescia. Morandi found immediate acceptance and participation in the idea of \u200b\u200bsolidarity to help the stranger missionary Trentino engaged in Guinea Bissau, from clinics and from his Rotary.
From that alliance has flowed the stream of aid in recent days has made it possible to get to Brescia Bissau and delivered to the bishop of the Diocese, which owns all the effects of structure, a fully functioning hospital. A hospital that the rooms in hospital, to clinics, laboratories of analysis adds "a surgical unit and a radiology facility that makes the leading figure in health care supply in Bissau," as written by the professor telling Morandi The project on the pages of the magazine of the Servants of Charity.
From 28 May to 3 June, three members of the Rotary Club Winged Victory (with President Robert Rezzola, there were John Morandi - which is also the surgeon Poliambulanza which has the merit of the transaction - and Alessandro Paglia), three doctors ( Valentino Prandini, Augusto Barbosa and Helen Franceschetti), two nurses nurse (Gabriella and Piero Bonometti Bonomi) and two technicians (Brown and Adriano) Poliambulanza were ambassadors of Guinea Bissau in the generosity of Brescia.
On June 1, in the purest tradition of Africa, has long held the solemn opening ceremony and delivery of film. In total, five uninterrupted hours of speeches, smiles, trade certificates, merits and remember, along with endless singing and dancing and suggestive. All this in the presence of the Bishop of Bissau and the authorities arrived, representing the Presidency of the Government and the Municipality of the capital.
"for us - they explained Rotarians return from the mission - were the days when the emotions are often stolen for space reasons. We realized the immense needs of that portion of Africa and the grandeur of the work undertaken and completed. It 'was, for all, a great and very satisfying. Certainly much remains to be done. Who knows .... "
There, in a country among the most desperate of the world, now there is a plant that promises good results. E 'was planted by Brescia generous and courageous. Now we need to help them grow. Especially because, as the slogan of the football league, now "there is a bit 'of Africa in all of us."

Written by: Luciano Costa


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

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children's hospital in Bor, about seven kilometers from the city of Bissau has become a reference center at the national level, for the excellent work done for the sake of the children of the country. operational in 2005, two years later legalized with a single doctor, ' Children's Hospital now has seven doctors, including specialists in pediatrics, a pediatric clinic and a cardiologist.
The hospital has an operating room services, minor surgery, pharmacy, laboratory, service 1 and 2 gastroenterology, cardiology and advice 1 and 2. It has 50 employees and has a capacity of 60 beds for patients. His main lenders are PIME, Anna Project, Rotary Club of Brescia, Donato Family for a total estimated investment of money more than 7 million.
At the time of inauguration on 1 June, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Media, Parliamentary Affairs and Government Spokesman, which is the prime minister said that this body is a particularly illustrative example of how civil society organizations acting independently or in collaboration with the state, helping to meet the needs of the poorest people.
also Adiato Nandigna stressed that opened the hospital equipment will be included in integrated health service network and continues in the field of pediatrics.
From now on, Guinea Bissau has a hospital unit dedicated to our children, who fills an important gap, bringing the country to be equipped with devices that fill a void by creating a reality that is midway between the general hospital units and specialist mid-sized hospital, said the minister. In his
time, the Bishop of Bissau, José Camna na Bissing, put three short words, to convey the feelings that brought the soul. The first word is a special greeting that he addressed to children who are hospitalized. the second was paid to different entities related to 'hospital. the third was a call to the international community represented at the ceremony for their dedication.
Agostino Ca, General Hospital, in his speech said that in Portugal and several countries in Europe, there are more doctors Guineans in the country, adding that if you want to change this situation, we must consider how you can discover the causes of flight mass so that we can find solutions.
also stated that in the Bor area is home to around 822 children aged zero to five years, not counting the children in the suburbs, as Cuntum Quelele, Madina, Bairro Militar and Hafia.
should be noted that, during the ceremony, they visited the new surgery, at which May 31 we were able to perform four operations. Animation of "Netos of Bandim" and "Super Mama Djombo," concluded the inauguration of the hospital.


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1) The President of the Movement for Civil Society in Guinea Bissau, said yesterday that he was threatened death, after divuldagazione delcomunicato press urging the President to the Republic she be an "element of peace" for the country.

2) was inaugurated yesterday by Minister of Health in Bissau Camilo Simoes Pereira, the National Campaign to Fight AIDS "TAKE THE TEST AND WIN HIV - AIDS." In a country where 6% of the 1,500,000 inhabitants is "officially" HIV, the campaign, targeting young people, we set out to reach at least 20,000 guineensi. Part of the campaign will also be activated in the schools, for explaining to students that AIDS really exists and that, by preventing you can fight it.

3) The Minister of Education in Guinea Bissau, Artur Silva, said have become a national struggle to eradicate by 2015, illiteracy in the country, which draws 51% of the population, especially women.
only win this challenge will also give a sword to poverty, has afermato Minister during the presentation of a literacy program aimed at adults, funded by the Government of Japan.

Monday, June 7, 2010

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Bissau - The National Movement of Civil Society for Peace, Democracy and Development has requested the President of Guinea, Malam Bacai Sanha, to avoid to "take positions that conflict with the values \u200b\u200bof peace, stability and the rule of law. "

During the press conference, the National Movement of Civil Society for Peace, Democracy and Development believes that Guinea-Bissau is once again plunged into a political and military crisis' without previous 'marked by' difficult relations between the Presidency and the Executive 'beyond' reaffirmation of the insubordination of the military to the political "and" ambiguities "in the chain of command of the Armed Forces.

for the Movement, the current situation in Guinea-Bissau is likely to trigger "scenarios unpredictable 'and believes that the statements of Malam Bacai Sanha would cause a' deep concern 'in guineensi, on how the Head of State "has led crisis management '.

addition, the prolonged absence of the head of government, for" health reasons ", is one of the concerns of the movement that criticizes the lack of official clarification on the matter.

The National Movement Civil Society for Peace, Democracy and Development also urged political forces to act according to democratic rules and to refrain from actions and statements that could lead to political unrest and aggravate the current crisis "and calls on the Attorney General to regulate its actions within the narrow limits of its legal powers. "

Following the conference, the Movement called on the community International to continue to support Guinea-Bissau to the extent that, according to the same organization, the events of April 1, were made possible precisely because of the "weakness of political institutions against the military power 'and stresses the need to' reform deep 'state apparatus, "in particular" in the fields of defense and security.


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Bissau - Prime I'ufficio Minister of Guinea-Bissau, Carlos Gomes Junior, denied yesterday (Monday), in a statement, news, according to which the Chief Executive of Guinea Bissau prsente had resigned.

"I'ufficio the Prime Minister was surprised this morning by reports that are transmitted, so the PM (...) would submit his resignation to the President during the meeting between them in Paris, Saturday, the document states.

"This news is false and baseless, being formally denied by the office of prime minister," he said.

The Prime Minister of Guinea, which is in Portugal, recovering from medical treatment in Cuba, traveled to Paris this weekend for a meeting with the head of state Malam Bacai Sanha.

The meeting was attended by the President of Cape Verde, Pedro Pires, e secondo un comunicato stampa del presidente della Guinea, la riunione è avvenuta in un clima di " di cordialità franca".

Nessuno dei comunicati della Presidenza e del gabinetto del Primo Ministro hanno esposto i motivi della riunione, né le ragioni inerenti la presenza del Presidente di Capo Verde.

Secondo la dichiarazione del governo "in nessun caso, il comunicato stampa (della presidenza) si riferisce alle dimissioni (...), quindi questa notizia è considerata faziosa e pieno di mala fede, e per questo condannabile".


Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Drug trafficking has come back strongly in Guinea-Bissau, where the cocaine trade threatens to further destabilize the country after the assassination of the President and the attempted coup, have revealed the U.S. authorities and the UN.

Early last year, traffickers seem to have abandoned the coastal region, international attention after he began to focus on this scourge and train the country's police.

Tens of uninhabited islands are used as warehouses for drugs from South America, passing through the country each year en route to Europe for a total estimated in billions of dollars.

"Drug trafficking is taken up again "in the country, said this week Alexandre Schmidt, regional representative for West Africa of the United Nations (UN) Office on Drugs and Crime.

It 's a disturbing phenomenon in a country where the money for the drugs only serves to further the military officers who, for a long time, tend to dismiss the elected leaders.

Last year, the Guinean President, Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira, and the army chief, General Tagma Na Waie, were murdered.

The country seemed to come out of this situation, with the election of the president Malam Bacai Sanha, but about a year later, Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior, and the head of the Armed Forces, Zamora Inductive were arrested in an attempted coup d'état.

The prime minister has been released, while the army chief is still in detention.

In the midst of political chaos, the international community was being formed by police officers to investigate drug trafficking, thus doubling the number of police in the fight against drug trafficking from 80 to 160 agents.

Their field of action is no longer limited to the capital and Schmidt said that the traffickers have returned in large numbers because they can act with impunity.

The United Nations office based in part his statements to the seizures of cocaine. When the Guinea-Bissau was "completely abbandonata" all'inizio dello scorso anno, è sembrato chiaro che la cocaina scorreva verso l'Europa attraverso i porti diversi.

In un rapporto della missione ONU nel paese indirizzato al segretario generale dell'organizzazione in Marzo, si dice che non molto è cambiato dal mese di ottobre, ma paradossalmente non vi è più una misura attendibile dei traffici illeciti.

"Quasi tutte le droghe arrivano in aereo oggi," ha detto Schmidt, aggiungendo che i traffici non sono più in mare, visto che gli aerei tendono a essere più difficilmente intercettabili.

"E 'molto più difficile oggi sapere quanta cocaina circola in Africa occidentale. Il mercato delle droghe è qui e il drug trafficking, declined for a period of last year, has started to grow definitivamete and very strong, "Schmidt said.

In a poor country, the cocaine trade makes it easy for traffickers to corrupt officials and military .

The drug trade exacerbates the fragile political situation in the country, according to David Mosby, Head of Political Section U.S. Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.

In April, the U.S. Treasury Department has reported that the former head of Guinea's navy, Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, and the air force chief, Ibrahim Camara Pope, are "ringleaders" of the traffic.


Friday, June 4, 2010

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Parigi - Il presidente, Malam Bacai Sanha in Francia dall'inizio della settimana per presenziare al vertice Francia-Africa, si incontrerà domani con il primo ministro Carlos Gomes Junior, a Parigi.

Questo incontro, tanto atteso dalla comunità internazionale, mira a trovare una soluzione alla crisi che attraversa la Guinea-Bissau dal 1 ° aprile.

La mediazione di questo incontro da parte del Presidente di Capo Verde, Pedro Pires , fa parte della proposta di una soluziore regionale ai problemi in Guinea-Bissau, con l'appoggio francese. Dopo le ultime notizie riportate dai media, il presidente, Malam Bacai Sanha ha un'ultima possibilità per dimostrare un effettivo impegno per risolvere la crisi politica interna, garantendo al primo ministro Carlos Gomes Júnior le condizioni necessarie per l'esercizio effettivo del suo incarico. Questo incontro può servire come un ponte verso la pacificazione delle divergenze passate, chiarendo il ruolo che la Presidenza e l'esecutivo giocheranno nel prossimo futuro, soprattutto in sforzi comuni per quanto riguarda la riforma delle forze armate.


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Bafata (Agenzia Fides) – I diaconi don Admir Cristiano Barreiro, 29 anos, don Francisco Fernandes, 28 anos, e don Avito José Fernandes de Araújo, 30 anos, Saturday, June 5 will be ordained priests in the diocese of Bafata, Guinea Bissau. The Bishop of Bafata, Bishop Pedro Zilli, described the event as "a moment of grace" in a year "in full" for the number of priests ordained in the Church of Guinea Bissau. According to information received by Fides, the Diocesan Chancery, with the three orders of June 5 increase to the nine new priests ordained in 2010, preparatisi the major seminary of Bissau, which should be added two other future priests of the Diocese of Bissau . The numbers indicate the growth of the local Church and the answer, in the faith of Christian families. In fact, the order a priest is an important moment also for the families of candidates, in the consecration to the service of God and neighbor, the companion to have one whom the Lord has chosen within their own family. Such participation is also expressed by some elements of the liturgy inculturated. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 06/04/2010)


Thursday, June 3, 2010

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Bissau - The military tribunal of Guinea Bissau has temporarily dropped the charges against the former head of the Navy, Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, accused of attempted coup against former President Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira, ha comunicato l'agenzia PANA Giovedi a Bissau.

Secondo l'avvocato Pietro Infanda la decisione dell'archiviazione provvisoria dei capi d'imputazione contro Bubo Na Tchuto è stata comunicata Martedì al collettivo di avvocati che difendono il militare, ma anche che sino all'archiviazione finale del caso, l'ufficiale "non metterà in atto alcuna misura".

"Stiamo aspettando il normale sviluppo del processo. Cioè, aspettiamo il termine prescritto dalla legge, cioè otto giorni dopo il pronunciamento del Tribunale, perchè Bubo Na Tchuto si metta a disposizione dello Stato Maggiore delle Forze Armate, ha detto Pedro Infanda .

Per Pedro Infanda se la Corte dovesse confermare archiviazine the final trial of Bubo Na Tchuto, they will not "take any measures of retaliation against anyone."

"What can be done will always be against the State of Guinea, but never against people," said Peter Infanda, as Bubo Na Tchuto must comply with the law.

On several occasions, Bubo Na Tchuto admitted he wished to return to Guinea's Chief of Army, claiming that he was not sacked from the post of Chief of General Staff of that branch of the armed forces of the country.

"He will provide the Staff and the president, as commander in chief of the armed forces. It can be reinstated to his duties or simply appointed to new roles, but always obeying the law, "added Pedro Infanda.

In August 2008, also at the head of the Navy of Guinea, Bubo Na Tchuto was accused by the then Chief of Staff Armed Forces, General Tagma Na Waie, want to make a coup to overthrow and arrest the President Nino Vieira.

Following these allegations, Na Tchuto was suspended from his duties and took refuge in Gambia, where he was exiled for almost two years.

At the end of September 2009, he returned to Guinea-Bissau, where he took refuge at the headquarters of the United Nations, in Bissau, who left April 1.


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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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opinion article by Rodrigo Nunes
Translated by: Coordinator

Luanda - Carlos Gomes Junior started from Guinea-Bissau after three weeks of military movements by April 1. Cuba, Paris and Lisbon were his destinations, and all of today Bissau ask when the return of the leader of the executive.

In recent weeks, Prime Minister of Guinea has been threatened with death, imprisonment and participation in the crimes that have tainted the country's recent history. But despite the high internal pressure, Carlos Gomes Junior remains determined to return home and carry out a government reshuffle. A

his will not be indifferent to the pressure of the international community, said Mutaboba, the Special Representative of UN Secretary-General in Guinea-Bissau is beginning to admit that "patience has limits." The "recurring crises" and the "accusatory tone" used against the international community, making it the scapegoat for a crisis from purely domestic sources, accelerate this tiredness caused by lack of tangible results in the country. In a time of serious global financial crisis, the continued injection of European money in a country where laws seem to say anything, it begins to trigger the desire to take radical steps.

Member U.S., apart from the inclusion of the first names on the list guineensi the Treasury Department, has strengthened its military presence in the sub-region, by strengthening agreements with Cape Verde in the fight against maritime drug trafficking. Spain and France, the main ports of entry of drugs into Europe, urged Brussels for urgent action. Portugal tries to mediate the situation in Guinea-Bissau together with international partners, the result of historical and cultural links, although directly affected by drug trafficking from West Africa.

The concern of the international community takes on new weight, when the name of Antonio Indjai continues to be ventilated as the strongest candidate a CEMGFA della Guinea. Indjai, leader dei ribelli del 01 Aprile è, a livello internazionale associato a due fattori: droga e insubordinazione. E 'pertanto esclusa ogni possibilità per lo stesso, di andare a occupare una posizione di importanza militare in Guinea-Bissau, al pari di Bubo Na Tchuto, nel prossimo futuro.

Carlos Gomes Júnior ha sentito il pesante fardello di queste pressioni, essendo l'unico interlocutore che la comunità internazionale riconosca veramente. Nonostante la legittimità del presidente Malam Bacai Sanha, i sospetti che sono venuti ad dar volume ad un suo diretto coinvolgimento negli eventi del 1 ° aprile la sua ossessione per il controllo del governo e del PAIGC e la sua volontà di accondiscendere a paesi come Senegal e Marocco, anche a danno diretto degli interessi nazionali della Guinea, stanno frenando le buone intenzioni di alcuni partner internazionali.

La comunità internazionale esige che, per il bene del popolo della Guinea, le questioni personali che in passato dettarono le relazioni tra i due leader del PAIGC, già da moto tempo dovessero essere state superate. Ma questo non sembra ancora essere avvenuto e il presidente Malam, nonostante lo sforzo evidente di evitare spargimenti di sangue nel mese di aprile 1, sembra avere una agenda politica propria, che alimenta sfiducia all'interno della comunità internazionale.

Data la mancanza di alternative valide e di una realtà politica subordinata alla paura weapons of the military, international organizations are beginning to consider the possibility of sending a military intervention force for Guinea-Bissau, able to work a reform of the armed forces and to ensure the safety of all those who have an opinion not part of the defense by force of arms. This hypothesis, however, was strongly rejected by Prime Minister Gomes Junior, saying that "Guinea can get up by herself."

But the prime minister also knows that the constant rumors about him are a true sign that his safety is in danger and that his return may trigger actions of subversion and even attempts on his life. These fears are not a mere invention. Actual threats were spoken in public, from April 1 Indjai Antonio, from Members and officials of the PRS, some second-tier military and even members of the PAIGC-related small group of "anti-Cadog 'and with links to traffic drugs. If you experience an attempted assassination, this could be the final drop of water that would provide the international military intervention.

This government has amazed the PAIGC, with test dates, the international community, which notes with disgust the strange and poorly disguised strategies to promote its own dissolution. If the threat of newspapers and blogs, who are asking the prime minister not to return, does not seem to take effect, however, also seem to show a situation subordination, to the pressure of the weapons of political power to the military, under the High Patronage of the President. Neither will be accepted by the international community.


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The Party of Social Renovation (PRS), the former president of Guinea-Bissau, Kumba Yala yesterday asked the head Status of Guinea, Malam Bacai Sanha, to disclose the names of politicians involved in the massacre of "Nino" Vieira and Tagma Na Waie.

"The PRS again urges the President to have the courage to forward through appropriate channels to the judicial authorities, the names of politicians complicit in the murder of two emblematic figures of our state, "it said in a press release of the opposition political party.

In an interview with Jeune Afrique," the president of Guinea-Bissau said that "political were involved in 'murder' of the former head of state, João Bernardo "Nino" Vieira, the former armed forces chief, Tagma Na Waie on days 1 and 2 March 2009.

For the PRS, Malam Bacai Sanha statements "are, at least strange," not only because they were made abroad, but also because they need an urgent explanation from the President of Guinea.

"With his hesitant way to manage the country, it's no wonder that voices come, so unworthy, unacceptable statements speak in clear and blatant interference and meddling in the affairs of the state of Guinea, "said the statement from the PRS.