Monday, December 28, 2009

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: Comparison Quotes Online

In an economy rules the basis of free states that the prices of the goods or services tend to decline with healthy competition. A theorem which 'was ridden by the institutions in recent years to file the cost of mandatory liability auto insurance.

From this summer 's ISVAP and Ministry of Economic Development, have developed and made available online only Budgeting. An automatic system for both preventive ( fino a 69 ) immettendo una sola volta le informazioni personali, permettendo cosi di risparmiare moltissimo tempo. Dopo una breve fase di registrazione, si puo' procedere con la richiesta di preventivi personalizzati. E senza limiti.

Funziona veramente?

Si. L'avevamo verificato la scorsa estate, il preventivatore fornisce effettivamente piu' preventivi in una sola volta. Anche se la quantita' di preventivi varia molto in base al profilo di utente inserito nel Preventivatore.

I costi dei premi sono veritieri?

Tastiera alla mano siamo entrati in possesso dei premi calcolati sul rischio di due differenti profili di guidatore. Due ''cavie'' con caratteristiche e residenze molto diverse: un neopatentato che vive in una metropoli e una ''tranquilla'' signora residente in un piccolo capoluogo, uno di quelli che,spesso, sono indicati come la miglior citta' in cui abitare. Poi ci siamo armati di buona pazienza e siamo andati a bussare a parecchie agenzie per verificare sul campo, se i preventivi delle assicurazioni auto online sono affidabili.

A sorpresa le agenzie sono piu' convenienti

Le agenzie tradizionali tendono a non proporre preventivi di polizza con massimale al minimo di legge (775.000 euro) come invece fa il Preventivatore. Tutti suggeriscono di non scendere sotto gli 1,5 milioni di euro. Differenza che puts in check the calculation of Budgeting ISVAP. As with any customization: the exclusion clauses of the compensation, driver's accident policy, legal assitance ...

Whenever agency, a lottery insurers aim to enrich the most of the policies with the reward goes up quickly.

Estimates of the agencies, despite the additions, are almost always more 'convenient, especially if the profile of women with low risk.


For the first profile (novice) the Budgeting ISVAP online has allowed the development of 41 estimates, while the second (women) are reached to 55 proposals.
All quotes car online, were calculated by entering the same data: there is no justification, therefore, a difference of 14 estimates in more 'for the profile woman.

Compared to the agencies, for the profile''novice''we theoretically support a cost of car insurance premium, plus 20% if only the rivolgessimo expected.

In our investigation prepared by the award Budgeting ranged from a minimum of € 1.349 for the Unipol insurance up to a maximum of 4,176 for insurance novelty. While the agency will have been unable to conclude an insurance premium with the Milano Assicurazioni spending € 1,250. For the profile

woman home, we had in mano un preventivo con un premio di 208,3 euro da parte della Uniqa Assicurazioni contro un minimo del Preventivatore della HDI Assicurazioni di circa 415 euro.

Se avete tempo recatevi anche in agenzia...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Leukemia More Condition_treatment

Genertel: market leader in insurance and direct loans online online

Genertel , la assicurazione diretta e online del gruppo Generali, ha chiuso il 2008 con una quota di mercato del 25,3% nel settore delle assicurazioni dirette italiane confermandosi la sua leadership, infatti 1 assicurazione online su 4 in Italia, è stata stipulata con Genertel

Il mercato delle assicurazioni dirette ed online è cresciuto di un modesto 0,4% sul 2007 mentre il mercato delle assicurazioni auto è diminuito del 3%.

La compagnia assicurativa Genertel risulta essere l’unica, fra le assicurazioni online , a registrare una crescita rispetto al 2007 (+0,6 %) che le ha permesso di raccogliere sul mercato oltre 267 milioni di euro di premi e ben 733.000 contratti. Nel corso del 2008, la assicurazione online Genertel, ha erogato 1,2 milioni di preventivi di cui il 75% proveniente canale Internet (+37 % vs 2007).

Una variegano portafogli prodotti ha permesso l’ottima performance di Genertel nel 2008, fra questi ricordiamo Genertel Donna, lassicurazione auto dedicata alle automobiliste e Genertel Slow Cost dedicata agli automobilisti che non abbiano causato incidenti negli ultimi 5 anni.

19% of premium income comes from contracts Gnertel RC cars and 22%, amounting to 49,000 contracts, the policy Genertel home.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Female Genitale Tattoos

: fixed-rate mortgages and variable insurance

fixed rate mortgage : type of loan with interest rate financing and installment payment, determined on signing the contract and constant throughout the term of the mortgage

rate mortgages : type of loan with interest rate and installment financing to match that depend on the performance of a benchmark tied to the cost of borrowing (Euribor)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nexavar More Drug_side_effects

Findomestic "Project Safe Auto" auto loans and personal loans

In the unfortunate event that your car is stolen , oppure a causa di un incendio o distruzione totale dell'auto, sarete costretti a perderete parte dei soldi investiti nell'acquisto della vostra automobile in quanto la vostra assicurazione applicherà come da contratto, un franchigia da decurtare al vostro rimborso, sempre che abbiate stipulato una assicurazione contro questi eventuali "accidenti"

Findomestic tramite l'assicurazione "Progetto ProttettoAuto" vuole proteggere contro la perdita di valore della vostra autovettura i propri clienti a partire da 40 centesimi di euro al giorno.

L'assicurazione Findomestic prevede nel caso di furto della automobile dopo che siano trascorsi 30 giorni dalla denuncia senza ritrovamento, un rimborso di 3.000 euro purchè non superi il 20% the market value of the same car. Even in the event of total loss resulting in the demolition of the car, the reimbursement is equal to 3,000 euro.

E 'can take out insurance Findomestic "Project Safe Auto" for up to 60 months, below the summary table

Duration Cover Price

12 months 145 €

24 months € 260

36 months

380 € 48 months € 500

60 months 610 €

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Findomestic: web promotion new cars and zero km

Findomestic offers to all its customers a web exclusive offer to finance your new car or car Km zero.

auto financing from € 1,000 for up to 30,000 repayable in 84 installments .

To get the auto financing Findomestic simply be resident in Italy and have a compensation of certified (ages 18 to 75 years).

Findomestic The personal loan will be paid by bank transfer to bank account or by check while repaying shall be by direct debit or you can pay via postal bulletins.

Now we propose three examples of online car loans, repayable in 84 installments always financed with an amount of 20, 25 or 30,000 €

Funded Amount: 20,000
NPer : 84
monthly rate: 314 , 30 €

Funded Amount: 25,000
NPer : 84
Monthly Payment: 392.80 €

Funded Amount: 30,000
NPer : 84
monthly rate: 471 , 40 €

Examples of auto financing presented above are published on Findomestic applied and the maximum APR is equal to 8.58%.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keeping My Platypus As A Pet

Glossary of terms loans and car loans online

As our readers know is not always easy to navigate the world of finance and car loans because in addition to identifying the real cost of financing through the car TAN rate and the APR rate , there are a myriad of terms that is useful to know and understand such as the Early Termination of financing, interest, any insurance coverage, etc. ....

For this reason we decided to write up a blog a useful glossary of terms grants and loans car online where you can find next to each term
in the loan agreement, a detailed description.

glossary of terms loans and auto loans online has been divided into four posts that will go to show:

1) Terms loans and car loans online from point B to point D

2) Terms grants and loans Online car the letter and the letter I

3) Terms loans and car loans online by the letter M the letter R

4) Terms loans and car loans online by the letter S the letter T

Happy reading!

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Glossary of terms loans and car loans online - lettera S alla T

Spread : it is expressed as a percentage value and expresses the remuneration for the bank. Added to the market reference rate (Euribor or Euris) determines the rate (TAN) applied to car loans and car loans

TAN (annual rate) : is the interest rate, expressed as a percentage on an annual basis, applied to the amount of funding requested. It is used to calculate, based on the amount financed and the length of the loan, the interest that the debtor must repay.

The TAN does not include any charges related to financing (commissions, fees, etc.).

APR (rate Annual percentage) : is the interest rate, expressed in percentage terms on an annual basis, including all financial charges related to the funding requested (commissions, contract, etc.) except for the express provision of law, the tax expenses and taxes

Floating Rate ECB : it is the benchmark for adjustable-rate mortgages indexed to the rate on main refinancing operations of the European Central Bank

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Glossario dei termini finanziamenti e prestiti auto online - lettera M alla R

Mast : is the product of the the monthly payment for the number of installments. represents the total that will be repaid to the bank during the life of the financing

P ian Amortization : is the plan for restructuring the financing through the regular payment of installments comprising share capital and share interests

Capital Fee: rata portion of the repayment that is used for the return of borrowed capital

Transferable Quota: the part of salary / pension, net of withholding, which can be transferred from the customer to borrow with the supply of the fifth, is the maximum effort that the customer can pay monthly (max 1 / 5) against the requested funding (eg, net monthly income = 1,000 €, transferable share = 200 €)

Interest Quote: rata portion of the repayment that is used for the payment of interest accrued on the outstanding principal

Rata : that the debtor makes regular payments for repayment of the funding in accordance with contractually fixed intervals (monthly, quarterly, bi). The installment is made up of share capital and share interests

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chromium Picolinate More Drug_uses

Glossario dei termini finanziamenti e prestiti auto online- parte seconda-

Glossary by the letter E to letter I

distribution: it is the act by which lenders deliver the customer the amount requested

Early Termination: You the possibility for the debtor to terminate the planned duration of repaying, in part or in full, the outstanding amount of funding

Euribor : interbank reference rate. E 'used as a benchmark index of short-term loans and variable rate mortgages. E 'released daily by the European Banking Federation as a weighted average interest rate at which banks operating in the European Union give deposits on loan

Euris : interbank reference rate used as a parameter the index of fixed rate loans. E 'released daily by the European Banking Federation as a weighted average rate interest at which banks operating in the European exchange interest payments on their loans

Amount Financed: the difference between the mast and the total interest

Actuals Net Amount: The amount actually disbursed perceived by customers, net of fees and charges directly related to the financing

Mora Interests: criminal law, expressed in percentage terms and agreed upon during the contract, paid by the borrower in case of non-payment or delayed payment of one or more installments for repayment of Mortgage financing

: it is a warranty that gives the creditor, in insolvency of the debtor, the power to expropriate the property on which the mortgage is registered and to be satisfied with a preference on the proceeds of the sale price

ISC (synthetic Cost Index) is the indicator of interest rate a financing operation. E 'expressed as a percentage and indicates the overall cost of financing

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Glossario dei termini finanziamenti e prestiti auto online

In this post we offer a useful guide that contains the glossary of terms finance and car loans online , so that we can better focus in this sector is not always easy .

Happy reading!

GLOSSARY by the letter B to D

Bonifico Domiciliato : è una tipologia di bonifico che permette di avere la disponibilità e di ritirare la somma prevista in contanti allo sportello dell'Ufficio Postale

Capitale o Debito Residuo : somma residuo di un finanziamento che il debitore deve ancora versare al creditore, al netto degli interessi

Commissioni o Penale di Estinzione Anticipata : viene espressa in percentuale e costituisce l'onere a carico del debitore qualora intenda rimborsare il finanziamento prima della scadenza prevista. Viene calcolata sul capitale residuo del finanziamento

Copertura Assicurativa Facoltativa : assicurazione non obbligatoria con cui il debitore protegge il rimborso or the outstanding principal of a loan in the event of unforeseen events (such as total disability)

Declaration of Approval means a document issued by 'Administration / Organisation third or sold or which take note of the monthly payment by withhold your employee / retiree and payable to the bank or finance company for the duration of the repayment plan

Duration of Funding: agreed time frame within which the debtor must repay the financing together with accrued interest

In the next post you will find the glossary of terms loans and car loans online by the letter and the letter I

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Scolerosis Of The Liver

Finanziamenti auto: Supervalutazione usato Volvo

House svedese offre un supervalutazione dell'usato per coloro che acquistano una nuova Volvo. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio, quali modelli beneficiano di questa promozione.

C30 1.6 D DRIVe Polar : 1.500 euro sconto rottamazione + 3.500 euro di contributo Volvo per un totale di 5.000 euro di sconto

S40 1.6D e V50 DRIVe Polar : 1.500 euro sconto rottamazione + 4.500 euro di sconto della casa= 6.000 euro risparmiati

V50 1.8 tri-fuel GPL Kinetic : 4.350 euro di sconto di cui 500 euro di sconto rottamazione e 3.850 euro di contributo Volvo

V70 Polar : supervalutazione dell'usato fino a 2.400 euro

XC90 Polar : supervalutazione usato fino a 4.000 euro

Per vedere tutti i finanziamenti auto Volvo visita la sezione Finance del sito della casa svedese

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bath Mat With No Suction Cups

Finanziamenti auto: Sconti, promozioni ed ecoincentivi Mitsubishi

La rete dei concessionari Mitsubishi propone con prezzo chiavi in mano a partire da 8.541 la New Colt GPL a 3 e 5 porte, ovvero uno sconto di 5.110 euro sfruttando tutti gli ecoincentivi statali e finanziamenti auto con prima rata a dicembre.

Per il modello Outlander si può beneficiare di uno sconto pari a 4.000 per le autovetture presenti in rete. Questa offerta è cumulabile con gli ecoincentivi previsti per gli autocarri.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In Memory Of For Wedding Programs

Finanziamenti auto: Promozioni Chevrolet con furto e incendio

Matiz, Aveo , Captiva 4x4 and Cruze : fire and theft insurance free for 10 years.
Lancetti diesel and diesel Nubira SW: € 4,140 discount if you choose not to overvaluation Charity. Funding in 24 installments, inclusive of 2 years of theft and fire, and feel before the first installment after six months.
only cars available in the network.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Methotrexate More Drug_uses

Auto Km Zero : offerte e sconti Alfa Romeo

In this post, you will find the offers of the Alfa Romeo dealers for cars to "km zero divided by model.

Discounts range from a maximum of 50% to a minimum of 10%.


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 TS Distinctive 3p : from 19,800 to 12,800 €
Seller Baccanelli Province - BG - Telephone 0363/902680

147 1.9 JTDM 120 CV p 5 Progression: from 22,700 to 15,600 € Seller
Big Walter - Province RN - Telephone 0541/740365

147 1.9 JTDM Distinctive 3p: from 23,400 to 14,600 €
Seller Bacanelli Province - BG - Telephone 0363/902680

159 sedan 120 hp MJET Progression: from 28,000 to 18,990 € Seller
DEA Province - MI - Phone 02/66016308

GT 1.9 JTDm 150 cv Distinctive: from 32,000 to 22,400 €
Seller Walter Grossi Province - RN - Phone 0541/740365

Brera 2.4 JTDM 210 CV: from 40,000 to 27,700 €
Seller Walter Grossi Province - RN - Phone 0541/740365


147 1.6 16v 105 bhp 5dr Progression: from 19,500 € 13,900 to Big Walter
Seller Province - RN - Phone 0541/740365

147 1.6 16v 105 bhp Distinctive 5p: from 20,500 to 14,900 €
Seller Walter Grossi Province - RN - Phone 0541/740365

147 1.9 JTDM 120 CV Progression 5p: from 22,400 to 16,800 €
DN Car Seller - Province SA - Phone 0974/839132

147 1.9 JTDM 150 CV 5p Q2: from 26,035 to 19,400 €
Seller Giuseppe Cesaro - Province AO - Telephone 012/5807969 Brera 2.0 JTDM 16v

: from 33,200 to 24,900 €
Seller Bacanelli Province - BG - Telephone 0363/902680

Spider 2.4 JTDM: from 42,000 to 29,500 €
Seller Walter Grossi Province - RN - Phone 0541/740365


159 Sportwagon 1.9 JTDM 16v Exclusive: from 35,000 to 26,500 €
GT 1.9 JTDM 150 CV Progression: from 29,300 to 22,500 €
DN Car Seller - Province SA - Phone 0974/839132

Vídeos E Travestis

Auto a Km zero: tutte le offerte con sconti fino al 50%

If you buy this car can not be postponed, a model to " km zero" can be an opportunity not to be underestimated in this economically difficult period.
not you buy a new car, in fact in the registration certificate has already written the name of an owner ( is usually the dealer), but it is not use at proper. These are vehicles that, as the name implies, have never been used on the road, or at least, have traveled a few hundred kilometers.

You can not expect to buy a car "km zero" of the color and the options you want, but it's the price you pay to be able to count on substantial discounts . It is in fact part of a least 10% of down from list price to get up to 50% . It is undoubtedly
Discounts of all respect and should not be eligible for help but being first in the dealership that offers car you are interested.

The offerings vary from week to week and we offer a national overview of the most interesting. There is everything from model now come to the end of the series, came last, as in this list confirms the presence of many new market.

All cars are regularly proposed with this formula, you will get a guaranteed auto financing as if they bought a new car.

Below is a complete summary of the bids of dealers for the "auto km zero" broken down car.