Monday, May 31, 2010

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The President of Guinea-Bissau, Malam Bacai Sanha, admitted in an interview with Jeune Afrique, "that there are political figures involved in the assassination of former Head of State "Nino" Vieira, the former armed forces chief Tagma Na Waie.

"Within weeks, the committee will present his conclusions. All I can say is that there are politicians involved in these crimes, "he told the magazine.

The head of state of Guinea did not predict the names of political figures allegedly involved in the killings, saying he could not give details.

Asked on the progress of investigations responsible for the killing of one and 2 March 2009, the President of Guinea said that "slowly", underlining the lack of support from the United Nations.

About the events of last April 1, Malam Bacai Sanha said it was a "personal conflict between two men that has degenerated."

"inductive reached il rango di capo di stato maggiore delle forze armate a marzo 2009, poco dopo l'assassinio di Tagme Na Waie con l'ambizione di riformare le Forze Armate. Non era mai stato a capo di una unità, a differenza di Antonio Indjai, un veterano della guerra per l'indipendenza, molto rispettato dai soldati ", ha detto.

"Quando Indjai si è reso conto che Induta si preparava a destituirlo, si è fatto avanti", ha sottolineato Malam Bacai Sanha.

Sulle accuse da parte degli USA di presunto coinvolgimento nel traffico di droga dell' Ammiraglio Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, il presidente della Guinea ha detto che sono state chieste prove agli americani per poter agire, ma nulla è stato consegnato.

Nell'intervista, the head of state stressed the reform in the areas of defense and security and the fight against drug trafficking as a priority by the authorities, but pointed out that Guinea-Bissau needs "extra help".


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GOVERNMENT OF GUINEA BISSAU priority to the fight against drug trafficking

Nice - The president of Guinea-Bissau, Malam Bacai Sanha, said yesterday (Monday) in Nice, southern France, that the fight against drug trafficking is a challenge and a priority of his government.

Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the Africa-France summit, the leaders of Guinea Bissau insistito sulla dimensione sub-regionale e planetaria del traffico di droga.

Secondo il capo dello Stato, il controllo e lo sradicamento di questo fenomeno richiede un'azione coordinata e collettiva.

"Speriamo da questo summit un segnale forte e di una risoluzione che vada in questa direzione", ha detto il presidente della Guinea Bissau che ha partecipano al 25° vertice Francia-Africa apertosi ieri (Lunedi) a Nizza.


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Bissau - Il Movimento della Società Civile in Guinea-Bissau, si è incontrato Yesterday (Monday) with the Deputy Chief of Staff of the country's armed forces, Gen. Antonio Indjai, to understand the military movements recorded during the weekend and that scared the country's population.

"He told us that they are routine operations due to the absence of the President and Prime Minister of the country and also because it has not yet been appointed General Chief of Staff," said Mamadou Queita, a spokesman for that organization.

Over the weekend, there have been all over the territory of Guinea-Bissau military movements and in some parts of the country, the soldiers searched passengers and their vehicles.

military presence in the streets, led to situations di panico, soprattutto in Bissau, dove la presenza di persone nei soliti punti di concentrazione (piazze, Mercati etc..) era praticamente inesistente.

Il presidente della Guinea Malam Bacai Sanha è a Nizza, in Francia, per partecipare al vertice Francia / Africa.

Il primo ministro Carlos Gomes Junior, è in Portogallo, in convalescenza dopo aver subito un trattamento medico a Cuba.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

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Luanda - Gli Stati Uniti d'America stanno ultimando una lista di 120 nomi di cittadini guineani sospettati di essere coinvolti nel traffico di droga.

Questo elenco comprende the names of politicians, parliamentarians, businessmen and military Guineensi that not only will see their assets frozen in the U.S., as Bubo Na Tchuto and Papa Camara, but Firms will be subject to strong control by the institutions that fight against crime at the international level.

I'Agenzia Luanda Digital Printing was able to locate a business that could be the target of measures: AFRIPECHE, fishing companies and export of fish products with headquarters in Bissau and managed by 'Bacaizinho', son of the President of Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

According to research carried out AFRIPECHE is suspected within the fisheries and distribution, to act as a facilitator drug trafficking.

The case could assume the dimensions of the scandal in terms of policy in Guinea, as between the owners of 'business is the president Malam Bacai Sanha, who holds a non-disclosed in the' company.

One of the factors that raised the first suspicions of U.S. officials were connected to the company for the Canary Islands, Senegal and Morocco, the main ports of entry for cocaine into Europe.


Friday, May 28, 2010

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UN REPRESENTATIVE IN BISSAU: patience has a limit

"It 's frustrating to continue to see the Guinea Bissau sinking more and more," said Joseph Mutaboba

The Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for Guinea-Bissau, Joseph Mutaboba, appeals to the international community not to leave the country ", but admits that" patience has limits "and" recurrent crises "are frustrating for those who want to help. Apparently, the international community is beginning to be tired of so much incompetence.

In an interview with Lusa in Brussels, where he made a four-day visit for talks with senior European Commission , Joseph Mutaboba said he was "definitely on the side of Portugal and other partners" who claim that this is not the time to leave "the Guinea Bissau alone. "

Tuttavia, capisce quegli Stati che si chiedono se vale la pena continuare ad assistere e "buttare i soldi" in un paese in preda alle convulsioni "ricorrenti", l'ultima delle quali è l'azione militare del 1 aprile scorso, che ha portato, per esempio l'Unione europea a rinviare una decisione su una futura missione di riforma del settore della sicurezza che dia continuità a quella attuale.

"E 'una reazione naturale, il senso di frustrazione. E ci sentiamo frustrati, continuando a vedere la Guinea-Bissau ad affondare sempre di più, e questo è molto frustrante. Ci sono persone che vogliono aiutare, assistere, ma ciò richiede la partecipazione dell'aiutato ", ha detto, sottolineando che l'altra parte, ha solo produced "a series of crises caused by repeated unresolved issues."

For the Special Representative of the United Nations is needed by the international community to rethink the forms of assistance, trying to understand what has not gone well so far, but it is especially important that the authorities of Guinea, civil and military, understand that it is time to end what he described as "opportunistic alliances alternate, fights and revenge.

L 'image' that makes what has occurred is:" Today I am with this, tomorrow I'm with that, tomorrow after someone is killed, then another, and a series of setbacks and revenge. "

"You have to stop and tell them, ladies and gentlemen, is your country, your future is the future of your country, he says, hoping that the other side the elite of Guinea Bissau known that their country is highly dependent on international aid, and realize "that there is a limit to patience, that patience has its limits."

In this sense, the special representative of UN Secretary-General understands the reluctance of some countries to continue helping but believes that would be a mistake to leave the country today.

"The message that I shared with our partners in Brussels and various bilateral partners is that although the situation in Guinea-Bissau, generated by events April 1, is not the time to leave alone Bissau. It 's time instead of seeing how we can all think together in a more active, "he said.

" I'm definitely on the side of Portugal is not the time to leave Guinea-Bissau, just when they most need, "said He added that "probably" will demand "change strategy", strengthening the cooperation of various actors to make it more effective.

Regarding the extension or not of the EU mission, said esssere from Brussels with the feeling that "all and 27 members are not necessarily agree with the final position to take, but this discussion is not closed, is an ongoing debate, and stop and review what was not well done "can be a very useful exercise."


Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Police Portuguese court has announced the arrest of four men and the seizure of 3.650 kg of cocaine of high purity, at Lisbon airport, in an operation in collaboration with the Judicial Police in Guinea-Bissau.

L-action, carried out Unit to combat drug trafficking, the Police, culminated with the arrest of alleged traffickers, last Friday.

The drug was delivered by air from Guinea-Bissau "in the stomach" in the form of eggs, a system often used by criminal organizations involved in such trafficking, "because of their difficult detection by the authorities," even if this system is high risk to health and physical integrity of persons involved. "

In a statement, the police added that the detainees, all Nigerian nationals living in Spain, between 30 and 43 years. They are awaiting trial , currently held in prison.


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EUROPEAN UNION Brussels - The European Fund for the sviluppo (FES) dell'Unione europea (UE) metterà a disposizione 100 milioni di euro per la Guinea-Bissau mirati a garantire tre obiettivi specifici.

L'importo disponibile per il periodo 2008-2013 dà priorità alla prevenzione dei conflitti ed ai settori dell'acqua e dell'energia considerati fondamentali per lo sviluppo economico e sociale. Si prevede inoltre di stabilizzare le finanze pubbliche su un periodo di tre anni.

Secondo l'UE, uno dei punti deboli della Guinea-Bissau è l'eccessivo numero di militari e dell'amministrazione pubblica.


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Luanda - Secondo un document the establishment of Digital Luanda had access, Antonio Indjai had signed a guilty plea March 5, 2010, acknowledging his involvement in drug trafficking took place March 1, 2010 in Cufari, South of Guinea-Bissau.

According to sources from the Presidency, unhappy with the direction that the political situation in the country are taking the confession was signed in the presence of President Malam Bacai Sanha, the Attorney General Amine Saad and inductive CEMGFA Zamora. At that meeting, Indjai would also pledged to make a strategic retreat in Cuba, justified by the need for medical attention, leaving space so that both the president proceed with inductive Malam that Zamora the resolution of this case, to avoid another scandal international military involvement in drug trafficking operation.

However, with the feeling that his dismissal from the Armed Forces was in preparation, Antonio Indjai would have anticipated his return to Bissau on March 31. During the night, picked up the military support that allowed him to start the action on April 1 and culminating in the arrest of Zamora inductive and Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior, released a few hours later, thanks to a massive popular demonstration. The words of Antonio Indjai that threatened to kill the prime minister 'have led to the strengthening of popular support for Carlos Gomes Junior, feel later in Bissau during the day concerned.

Malam The fact that the president has not yet submitted a copy of this public confession of Antonio Indjai is causing untold anguish among some presidential advisers. Presidency sources ensure that there are deep fractures in the circle around Malam Bacai due to discrepancies in how this is leading out of the crisis in Guinea.

transcript confession Injai ANTONIO:

Declaration, the undersigned, Antonio Injai, Major-General of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People, Farpi, acting deputy chief of the armed forces, aware of the concern and determination of national authorities to to ascertain la verità o meno riguardo la denuncia relativa all'uso della pista di Cúfar da parte di un aereo appartenene ai narcotrafficanti , il 1 ° di questo mese, riconosco e confesso tale fatto, per aver autorizzato l'atterraggio del velivolo, un atto che mina sicuramente il buon nome della Stato della Guinea-Bissau e gli impegni internazionali assunti da questo.

Poichè vero quanto sopra confessato, e per esser tale atto offensivo dell' onore delle nostre gloriose Forze armate rivoluzionarie del popolo e messo in causa una delle travi portanti dell' impegno politico di Sua Eccellenza il Sig. Presidente e del governo, per combattere senza tregua contro il traffico di droga, penso che sia mio dovere collaborare con le autorità del paese, in order to consolidate stability and social peace, which is why I decided to put myself in voluntary disposal of the authorities of Guinea-Bissau for closer investigation of this case.

In truth I did so voluntarily declaration to be signed by me in the presence of His Excellency the President of the Republic.

Bissau, 5 March 2010

Antonio Injai
General Staff of the Armed Forces

BELOW Portuguese text


Eu abaixo assinado, António Injai, Major General Revolutionary das Forcas Armadas do Povo, vulgar Farpi, exercice as funções de Chefe do Estado-Vice General Staff of Armed Forces, aware of the concern and determination of national authorities in order to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of the complaint relating to the use of trail Cufar by an aircraft owned by drug traffickers in the past day one of this month, I acknowledge and confess that Indeed, for having authorized the landing of the aircraft, an act that undoubtedly undermines the good name of the State of Guinea-Bissau and the international commitments entered into by him.

Because the truth behind confessed, and by this act to be offensive in honor of our glorious Revolutionary Armed Forces of the people and undermined a cornerstone of engagement policy of His Excellency the President of the Republic and the Government, to fight without quarter against drug trafficking, I think it is my duty to cooperate with the authorities of the country with a view to consolidating stability and social peace so I decided to voluntarily put myself the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to deepen the investigation into the case. By

be true, voluntarily produce this statement is by me signed in the presence of His Excellency the President.

Bissau, 5 March 2010

Antonio inja
Armed Forces Major General

Per un immagine del documento in originale visitate il sito:


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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New York - Il prestigioso New York Times dice che la Guinea-Bissau rimane come una piattaforma globale del traffico di droga e indica Bubo Na Tchuto come un trafficante di droga che controlla il paese.
Nello stesso articolo, intitolato "Ex-esiliato detiene il potere nella nazione dell'Africa occidentale", The New York Times, osserva che il Contrammiraglio Bubo Na Tchuto, trafficante di droga come indicato dal Dipartimento del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti si è nascosto per mesi nei posti più improbabili; ha vissuto nella sede United Nations in Bissau in an office where he slept on a mattress placed on the floor. For the NYT Bubo Na Tchuto was in the "incubation" of the coup of April 1, after being freed by soldiers loyal when he was taking breakfast.

"The President is still nominally in charge, 'says the NYT, but the power is in the hands of drug lord Bubo Na Tchuto that' is the force behind the force," said Abdel Fatau Musah the NYT.

For the American administration Bubo Na Tchuto 'is a genius of traffic in the country "responsible for the dumping of hundreds of kilos of cocaine, and for this reason, along with Ibrahim Papa Camara has been described as a drug trafficker drug by the U.S. Treasury Department.

According to the UN representative in Bissau, Joseph Mutaboba, quoted by The New York Times, the UN has granted "asylum reluctantly" on Bubo Na Tchuto, since this had argued that his life was in danger, however, it was not clear that Na Tchuto was preparing a coup from inside the UN building. Mutaboba also noted that mobile phones Na Tchuto had been confiscated, but even so, he admitted that it was possible contact with the outside world.

Speaking to the Times, Na Tchuto denied having prepared the coup of April 1 from the UN headquarters in Bissau, but during an interview at the office his lawyer says: "I am a former guerrilla. I had the power to transform difficult situations into something positive." At the same time, has also denied its involvement in drug trafficking, saying: "There is no material proof that I was involved with drugs'(...)' test, test, test, test. People say I am a criminal! "I am a patriot! "He said.

A Western diplomat present in Bissau has rejected the claims of United Nations personnel and said that" the entire international community was surprised by the behavior of the United Nations "and mocking the justification of the representatives of United Nations activities Na Tchuto in the headquarters of the organization said that "he (Na Tchuto) was not sitting there watching TV."

Gorjão For Paul, director of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security in Lisbon, it also interviewed by New York Times, "Na Tchuto was under the protection of the United Nations to plan a coup against the government. It 'was perfect."

"Na Tchuto has the power and money, and we know that the money came from drugs, but also has many people behind him, "he also told the NYT Idrissa Jala, a businessman and former presidential candidate, noting that" so the situation is uncontrollable. "

Finally, the New York Times noted that during the hearing at the military court, Na Tchuto was relaxed and playful, having described the hearing as a "mere formality".

Source: Jornal de SAO TOME '