Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Memory Of, On Wedding Programs


Bissau - The military tribunal of Guinea Bissau has temporarily dropped the charges against the former head of the Navy, Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, accused of attempted coup against former President Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira, ha comunicato l'agenzia PANA Giovedi a Bissau.

Secondo l'avvocato Pietro Infanda la decisione dell'archiviazione provvisoria dei capi d'imputazione contro Bubo Na Tchuto è stata comunicata Martedì al collettivo di avvocati che difendono il militare, ma anche che sino all'archiviazione finale del caso, l'ufficiale "non metterà in atto alcuna misura".

"Stiamo aspettando il normale sviluppo del processo. Cioè, aspettiamo il termine prescritto dalla legge, cioè otto giorni dopo il pronunciamento del Tribunale, perchè Bubo Na Tchuto si metta a disposizione dello Stato Maggiore delle Forze Armate, ha detto Pedro Infanda .

Per Pedro Infanda se la Corte dovesse confermare archiviazine the final trial of Bubo Na Tchuto, they will not "take any measures of retaliation against anyone."

"What can be done will always be against the State of Guinea, but never against people," said Peter Infanda, as Bubo Na Tchuto must comply with the law.

On several occasions, Bubo Na Tchuto admitted he wished to return to Guinea's Chief of Army, claiming that he was not sacked from the post of Chief of General Staff of that branch of the armed forces of the country.

"He will provide the Staff and the president, as commander in chief of the armed forces. It can be reinstated to his duties or simply appointed to new roles, but always obeying the law, "added Pedro Infanda.

In August 2008, also at the head of the Navy of Guinea, Bubo Na Tchuto was accused by the then Chief of Staff Armed Forces, General Tagma Na Waie, want to make a coup to overthrow and arrest the President Nino Vieira.

Following these allegations, Na Tchuto was suspended from his duties and took refuge in Gambia, where he was exiled for almost two years.

At the end of September 2009, he returned to Guinea-Bissau, where he took refuge at the headquarters of the United Nations, in Bissau, who left April 1.



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