Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lev Tahor Deaf Man Shteeble

opinion article by Rodrigo Nunes
Translated by: Coordinator

Luanda - Carlos Gomes Junior started from Guinea-Bissau after three weeks of military movements by April 1. Cuba, Paris and Lisbon were his destinations, and all of today Bissau ask when the return of the leader of the executive.

In recent weeks, Prime Minister of Guinea has been threatened with death, imprisonment and participation in the crimes that have tainted the country's recent history. But despite the high internal pressure, Carlos Gomes Junior remains determined to return home and carry out a government reshuffle. A

his will not be indifferent to the pressure of the international community, said Mutaboba, the Special Representative of UN Secretary-General in Guinea-Bissau is beginning to admit that "patience has limits." The "recurring crises" and the "accusatory tone" used against the international community, making it the scapegoat for a crisis from purely domestic sources, accelerate this tiredness caused by lack of tangible results in the country. In a time of serious global financial crisis, the continued injection of European money in a country where laws seem to say anything, it begins to trigger the desire to take radical steps.

Member U.S., apart from the inclusion of the first names on the list guineensi the Treasury Department, has strengthened its military presence in the sub-region, by strengthening agreements with Cape Verde in the fight against maritime drug trafficking. Spain and France, the main ports of entry of drugs into Europe, urged Brussels for urgent action. Portugal tries to mediate the situation in Guinea-Bissau together with international partners, the result of historical and cultural links, although directly affected by drug trafficking from West Africa.

The concern of the international community takes on new weight, when the name of Antonio Indjai continues to be ventilated as the strongest candidate a CEMGFA della Guinea. Indjai, leader dei ribelli del 01 Aprile è, a livello internazionale associato a due fattori: droga e insubordinazione. E 'pertanto esclusa ogni possibilità per lo stesso, di andare a occupare una posizione di importanza militare in Guinea-Bissau, al pari di Bubo Na Tchuto, nel prossimo futuro.

Carlos Gomes Júnior ha sentito il pesante fardello di queste pressioni, essendo l'unico interlocutore che la comunità internazionale riconosca veramente. Nonostante la legittimità del presidente Malam Bacai Sanha, i sospetti che sono venuti ad dar volume ad un suo diretto coinvolgimento negli eventi del 1 ° aprile la sua ossessione per il controllo del governo e del PAIGC e la sua volontà di accondiscendere a paesi come Senegal e Marocco, anche a danno diretto degli interessi nazionali della Guinea, stanno frenando le buone intenzioni di alcuni partner internazionali.

La comunità internazionale esige che, per il bene del popolo della Guinea, le questioni personali che in passato dettarono le relazioni tra i due leader del PAIGC, già da moto tempo dovessero essere state superate. Ma questo non sembra ancora essere avvenuto e il presidente Malam, nonostante lo sforzo evidente di evitare spargimenti di sangue nel mese di aprile 1, sembra avere una agenda politica propria, che alimenta sfiducia all'interno della comunità internazionale.

Data la mancanza di alternative valide e di una realtà politica subordinata alla paura weapons of the military, international organizations are beginning to consider the possibility of sending a military intervention force for Guinea-Bissau, able to work a reform of the armed forces and to ensure the safety of all those who have an opinion not part of the defense by force of arms. This hypothesis, however, was strongly rejected by Prime Minister Gomes Junior, saying that "Guinea can get up by herself."

But the prime minister also knows that the constant rumors about him are a true sign that his safety is in danger and that his return may trigger actions of subversion and even attempts on his life. These fears are not a mere invention. Actual threats were spoken in public, from April 1 Indjai Antonio, from Members and officials of the PRS, some second-tier military and even members of the PAIGC-related small group of "anti-Cadog 'and with links to traffic drugs. If you experience an attempted assassination, this could be the final drop of water that would provide the international military intervention.

This government has amazed the PAIGC, with test dates, the international community, which notes with disgust the strange and poorly disguised strategies to promote its own dissolution. If the threat of newspapers and blogs, who are asking the prime minister not to return, does not seem to take effect, however, also seem to show a situation subordination, to the pressure of the weapons of political power to the military, under the High Patronage of the President. Neither will be accepted by the international community.



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