Monday, June 14, 2010

Acronis Installation Interupted


THE GIFT. A delegation Brescia on a mission to Africa for the official ceremony of delivery to the local diocese
The structure, capable of providing care and surgery, realized through the efforts of Rotary Winged Victory, and two non-profit organization of Poliambulanza

A group of Brescia coordinated by the Heart and supported by the generosity of many, has built and donated to Guinea Bissau (small, poor and troubled country on the coast of central Africa atlatica) a hospital equipped, that is complete and capable of providing care and surgery.
In recent days, the heads of the organizations that are loaded weight of the transaction (the Rotary Club Winged Victory, which has several years of commitment raccolto e donato oltre 250 mila euro, la Onlus Poliambulanza Charitatis Opera e altre due organizzazioni non governative) sono volati nella capitale Bissau per partecipare all'inaugurazione delle opere e consegnarle definitivamente alla Diocesi e, suo tramite, alla gente.
La notizia, come tante che appartengono al filone della generosità e della solidarietà, potrebbe chiudersi qui. Ma l'Africa in questi giorni è al centro delle attenzioni dei media globali, grazie al campionato mondiale di calcio, il primo mondiale africano: in Sudafrica, la nazione lambita da tre oceani e adesso onorata dai tifosi di tutto il mondo, si celebrano nell'occasione sedici anni di libertà e di accettabile convivenza (è ancora problematico definirla "Peaceful") between whites and blacks. It fell to Nelson Mandela, who today is widely considered the "father of the fatherland," close the past and deliver your new country in the history of the world.
UNFORTUNATELY FOR AFRICA, although the winds of freedom blowing stronger and stronger, there is only one of South Africa now faces the football world. All the rest live in hardship, more or less overt colonization, wars silent and hidden violence that wear is even more obvious where the humanitarian aid carried and loving. In Africa are dying of hunger and thirst for diseases that we would be treated with a simple analgesic ... Not only in Africa still prevail powers to require land to give birth only oil, precious stones, precious and hazardous materials (uranium, for example) and the hungry people promise croissants instead of bread. Guinea-Bissau, in particular, small enough to enter in the news only during riots and violent political upheavals, still does not know the wind of freedom and democracy. He lives with the crumbs, because despite the size, these are humanitarian aid, the missionaries of charity, generosity of the international associations and organizations. PROJECT
completed by Brescia about the children's hospital founded by his father Herman Battisti, a PIME missionary home thirty. Father
Ermanno aveva iniziato l'opera contando sul sostegno di tante «anime buone» e sulla convinzione che all'insufficienza degli aiuti avrebbe sicuramente posto rimedio la Provvidenza. Qualche anno fa bussò alla porta dei bresciani e la trovò spalancata. Proprio in un ospedale bresciano, alla Poliambulanza, due dei ragazzi che lui aveva spedito in Europa per laurearsi in medicina (200 inviati, 180 laureati prima di rientrare in patria) stavano lavorando: uno in chirurgia, l'altro in pediatria. Fu il dottor Augusto Barbosa, impegnato in chirurgia, a parlare del suo Paese e dei progetti di padre Ermanno al professor Giovanni Morandi, responsabile dell'Unità Operativa di Chirurgia generale, cuore generoso e solidale oltre che socio, più later also President of Rotary Winged Victory of Brescia. Morandi found immediate acceptance and participation in the idea of \u200b\u200bsolidarity to help the stranger missionary Trentino engaged in Guinea Bissau, from clinics and from his Rotary.
From that alliance has flowed the stream of aid in recent days has made it possible to get to Brescia Bissau and delivered to the bishop of the Diocese, which owns all the effects of structure, a fully functioning hospital. A hospital that the rooms in hospital, to clinics, laboratories of analysis adds "a surgical unit and a radiology facility that makes the leading figure in health care supply in Bissau," as written by the professor telling Morandi The project on the pages of the magazine of the Servants of Charity.
From 28 May to 3 June, three members of the Rotary Club Winged Victory (with President Robert Rezzola, there were John Morandi - which is also the surgeon Poliambulanza which has the merit of the transaction - and Alessandro Paglia), three doctors ( Valentino Prandini, Augusto Barbosa and Helen Franceschetti), two nurses nurse (Gabriella and Piero Bonometti Bonomi) and two technicians (Brown and Adriano) Poliambulanza were ambassadors of Guinea Bissau in the generosity of Brescia.
On June 1, in the purest tradition of Africa, has long held the solemn opening ceremony and delivery of film. In total, five uninterrupted hours of speeches, smiles, trade certificates, merits and remember, along with endless singing and dancing and suggestive. All this in the presence of the Bishop of Bissau and the authorities arrived, representing the Presidency of the Government and the Municipality of the capital.
"for us - they explained Rotarians return from the mission - were the days when the emotions are often stolen for space reasons. We realized the immense needs of that portion of Africa and the grandeur of the work undertaken and completed. It 'was, for all, a great and very satisfying. Certainly much remains to be done. Who knows .... "
There, in a country among the most desperate of the world, now there is a plant that promises good results. E 'was planted by Brescia generous and courageous. Now we need to help them grow. Especially because, as the slogan of the football league, now "there is a bit 'of Africa in all of us."

Written by: Luciano Costa



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