Saturday, August 15, 2009

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signs prohibiting bathing sprout like mushrooms. But one out of two is illegal

Draft summer season, at least for dogs . When not on the verge of abandoned roads should be retired or, at best, sit in locked hospitality industry. Assuming that the hotel is part of the category that accepts dogs . But the persecution summer has no limits for quadrupeds because the beaches are often off limits for four-legged friends. And here are inseparable friends, the four-legged and the two were forced to roam the beaches looking for a place in the sun. But no. Even the beaches are sprouting like mushrooms signs prohibiting bathing animals . But not always, is to know the ' Aida (Italian Association for Defence of Animals and the environment) are in order.

least half, tells the organization's president, Lorenzo Cross, prohibitions that sprout in the summer months, though made by the administrations of the municipalities bordering are illegal. This is not a problem recently. Suffice it to say that two million Italian families are willing to go on vacation with your dog or cat. Unfortunately they are still very few hotels, agrotourism and camping that accept unreservedly the presence of families with pets. And even less so the beaches are equipped for this particular type of guests.

So here's good news for holidaymakers with the dog in tow. In order to prohibit access to the beach mascot should be an order of the common which prohibits reasoned the time of the ban and the signature of the mayor, councilor or representative of the commander of the municipal police. Furthermore, the document must be published on the notice boards of individual municipalities. In short, the bureaucracy this time is to help the citizen who does not like to part with his faithful friend. But not all: prohibition of cartels must be endorsed on the back of the municipal reference number and expiration date. Otherwise, the prohibition is void.

"We therefore call on all families - said the president Aida Lorenzo Croce - and dog owners who choose to take Fido the beach to make sure that there really ordinances and that the signs of divieto contengano le informazioni regolamentari. Altrimenti qualunque richiesta di allontanarsi dalla spiaggia con il proprio cane fatta anche dai vigili è illegale e ogni eventuale multa impugnabile davanti al giudice di pace e quindi contestabile senza essere preventivamente pagata.


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