Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chillblains More Condition_symptoms


Le acque termali dell'Isola d'Ischia sono ben conosciute ed utilizzate fin dall'antichità. Già i primi coloni Euboici (VIII secolo a.C.), come dimostrano i numerosi reperti archeologici rinvenuti nel sito di Pithecusa e conservati presso il Museo Archeologico di Villa Arbusto a Lacco Ameno, apprezzavano ed usavano le acque delle sorgenti termali dell'Isola. I Greci infatti used the thermal waters to restore your spirit and body and as a remedy for the healing of wounds after-effects of war (in the pre-antibiotic era!) attributed to water vapor and which flowed from the earth with supernatural powers, not by chance at each location Spa stood temples dedicated to deities such as Apollo at Delphi. Strabo, greek historian and geographer, mentions in his monumental work the geographical island of Ischia and the virtues of its hot springs (Geograph. Lib. V). If the Greeks were the first people to know the powers of the thermal waters, the Romans praised as a means of relaxation and care through the creation of Thermae safe and profitable public and the many sources of the Island (As shown by the votive tablets found at the source Nitrodi Barano of Ischia, where stood a temple dedicated to Apollo and the Nymphs Nitrodi, guardians of the water) without lavish settlements; Island in fact have not been found, as it in Rome and other ancient spas, majestic ruins of the Baths likely to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, which frequently have violently shaken the cliffs. The decline of the power of Rome coincided with the abandonment of the use of bathing even in Ischia: there are indeed traces of water use in spas and spa Medioevo.Di actively shooting to speak in a decisive impetus to the Renaissance and modern thermal medicine was given by Giulio Iasolino , a physician from Calabria, a professor at the University of Naples, who in late 1500, attracted by the climate and volcanism secondary (fumaroles and hot springs), realizing the therapeutic potential of the medium thermal carried out a meticulous inventory of the sources of the island (for the first time the hydro-geological wealth of the isle), we identified the composition of the water and he made detailed observations about their effects on several diseases that afflicted his contemporaries (in describing the Source of Castiglione, one of the most famous of the time, Iasolino expresses his enthusiasm for the thermal waters: "We all day operations and virtues of this water we see such wonderful and beautiful you really have to believe to be given from heaven to men's health "). With the publication of the treatise" De natural remedies that are in the Isle of Pithecusa; Today it called Ischia " Iasolino freed from the thermal waters of Ischia magical aura that until then had affected use. Iasolino After the experiences of the beginning of 600, whereas many cures were obtained with the use of thermal baths and care in Ischia, quite expensive, could afford only noble and rich families, a group of philanthropists Neapolitan nobility had built in the town of Casamicciola the "Pio Monte della Misericordia", "factory termale (per l'epoca) più grande d'Europa", per permettere anche a chi non aveva adeguate possibilità economiche di godere delle qualità terapeutiche delle locali acque termali. Dal '600 alla metà del '900 vennero costruiti in prossimità delle più rinomate sorgenti termali numerosi stabilimenti e strutture ricettive che fecero dell'Isola d'Ischia una rinomata stazione internazionale di cura e soggiorno dove vennero a curare le malattie del corpo, e non solo, personaggi celebri come Giuseppe Garibaldi , dopo la battaglia di Aspromonte , Camillo Benso conte di Cavour , Arturo Toscanini . Dagli anni Sessanta, grazie ad Angelo Rizzoli , l'Isola d'Ischia e le sue acque si aprono ai grandi flussi turistici ed una intensa attività scientifica.

Classificazione delle acque di Ischia [ modifica ]

In base alle ricerche e agli studi condotti da Iasolino, è oggi possibile classificare le acque termali presenti ad Ischia secondo questo schema:

Comune Tipologia
Barano Acque salso-solfato-alcaline ipertermali
Casamicciola Acque radioattive, ipertermali, salso-bicarbonato-solfato-alcaline, ipertermali
Forio salty waters, sulphate and alkaline radioactive hyper
Ischia waters rich with minerals, radioactive, hyperthermal
Lacco Ameno salty waters, sulphate and alkaline earth-radioactive, hyperthermal
Serrara Fontana (San Angelo) waters rich with minerals, radioactive, hyperthermal 70 and 100 degrees


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