Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Statuto Associazione Culturale "Retrocomputing"

Statuto Associazione Culturale "Retrocomputing"


E' costituita l'Associazione culturale "Retrocomputing”. Essa è una libera Associazione e senza scopo di lucro, regolata a norma del Titolo I Cap. III, art. 36 e segg. del Codice Civile, nonché del presente statuto.

Essa persegue le seguenti finalità:
a) Promuovere e diffondere la cultura del retrocomputing;
b) Organizzare eventi e manifestazioni;
c) Program activities through the organization of training courses, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, dissemination, competitions
d) Promote the activities of the Association through modern online social networking tools (blogs, facebook, etc.) and more traditional (web site);
e) Collaborate with public and private schools, cultural and sports associations, consortia and cooperatives pursuing similar aims and purposes. Adhere to national and international organizations that have similar objectives;
f) Promote and / or managing any other action deemed appropriate to achieve the social goals, all in their own reality and wherever it would be helpful and to be present.

The Association is open to all those who share its spirit and ideals. Members are those who sign the card association, which must be renewed every year by January 31 in a single non-refundable. Members accepted without reservation status.

The funds consist of the fees as determined annually by the shareholders, the contributions of organizations, from individuals and associations, donations, bequests and donations and occasional activities aimed bound to achieve the Association's aims.

The admission of members is decided by the Board of Directors, whose decision is final and against whose decision no appeal is permitted.

Article 6
All members are required to comply the provisions of this statute and any rules, according to the decisions taken by bodies.

All positions and social management, are intended to be free, except for reimbursement of costs incurred. The card is personal and not transferable.

Article 8
All adult members are entitled to vote for approval and amendments to the Statutes and Regulations, to approve the balance sheet and budget for the appointment of officers of the Association. Each member dispone di un solo voto. E' ammessa una sola delega scritta.  

I Soci cessano di appartenere al circolo: a) Per dimissioni volontarie previa comunicazione al Consiglio Direttivo; b) Per morosità; il Socio, infatti, che non provvederà al pagamento della quota associativa entro 30 gg. dalla scadenza, verrà di diritto escluso dall’Associazione; c) Per espulsione deliberata dalla maggioranza dei membri del Consiglio Direttivo, pronunciata contro il Socio che commette azioni ritenute disonorevoli dentro e fuori dell’Associazione, o, che, con la sua condotta, costituisce ostacolo al buon andamento del sodalizio. The expelled member may appeal to the House, which act to its next meeting, meanwhile, the partner's participation in the activities of the Association shall be suspended.

They can take part in the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Association only members in good standing by paying the annual fee.

The governing bodies of the Association are: a) The Shareholders' Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary), b) The Board of Directors, c) Presidente.  

L’Assemblea dei Soci è il massimo organo deliberativo dell’Associazione, è il momento fondamentale di confronto, atto ad assicurare una corretta gestione dell’Associazione ed è composta da tutti i soci. Essa è convocata almeno una volta all’anno in via ordinaria, e in via straordinaria quando sia necessaria o sia richiesta dal Consiglio Direttivo o da almeno un decimo degli associati. La convocazione dell’Assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria avverrà, mediante comunicazione con posta elettronica o in qualsiasi altra forma eventualmente stabilita dal Consiglio Direttivo almeno 30 giorni prima della data dell’Assemblea.

Ordinary shareholders have the following duties: Elect the Board of Directors, approves the budget and final accounts, approve the program of activities of the Association approves the rules of procedure. The Extraordinary General Meeting decides on amendments to the statutes and possible dissolution.

Any amendments to this Statute may only be discussed and deliberated from the Extraordinary and only if asked all’ordine del giorno. Per tali deliberazioni occorrerà il voto favorevole di almeno 4/5 dei votanti, i quali rappresentino almeno la metà più uno dei Soci.  

Il Consiglio Direttivo è composto da un minimo di tre a un massimo di sette membri, è eletto dall'Assemblea dei Soci ogni tre anni su una lista unica aperta a tutti i Soci. I membri sono rieleggibili. In caso di dimissioni di un Consigliere, il Consiglio provvede alla sua sostituzione, alla prima riunione utile, con il primo dei non eletti. Possono far parte dei Consiglio gli associati maggiorenni. Il Consiglio Direttivo nel proprio ambito nomina il Presidente, il Vicepresidente, il Segretario, il Tesoriere, ed eventuali altre cariche che si rendessero necessarie. Le deliberazioni verranno adottate a maggioranza. Il Consiglio Direttivo si riunisce ogni qualvolta il Presidente lo ritenga necessario o lo richiedano gli altri consiglieri.  

Il Consiglio Direttivo è l’organo esecutivo dell’Associazione. Ha tutti i poteri di ordinaria e straordinaria amministrazione. Nella gestione ordinaria i suoi compiti sono: deliberare sulle domande di ammissione dei Soci; predisporre gli atti da sottoporre all’Assemblea; formalizzare le proposte per la gestione dell’Associazione; drawing up the budget and final accounts, treating business as usual, to deliberate the annual installments, the program's activities and compliance with the directives of the aims of the Association.

Art.17 The Board is responsible for the smooth running of the Association is that the moral and financial terms.

Art.18 The President convenes and chairs the Executive Council, signs all official acts performed by the Association. The Vice President shall take his place if he is absent or unable temporary and in all those tasks in which it is delegated. The Chairman, on the basis of the directives of the General Meeting and the Executive Council, responsible for promoting the activities of the Association. In case of necessity and urgency can perform acts of extraordinary administration, after calling the context of the Executive Council for ratification of his actions. The President shall convene and chair the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, by the implementation of their decisions, oversees the smooth running of the Association, to verify compliance with the Statute.

Secretary shall implement the resolutions of the President and the Board of Directors, shall keep the minutes of meetings and deals with the correspondence. The Treasurer takes care of the regular bookkeeping and related documents, prepares the budget and final accounts, the report on the same and submit everything to the Board of Directors.

Art.20 The Association may be sections in places that it deems appropriate in order to better pursue the objectives of social change and temporary or permanent home.

Art.21 The Association is unlimited and may be terminated only upon resolution of the Shareholders.

In the event of termination or dissolution of, the goods of the same, except for the liabilities will be distributed to an association or to an entity selected by having similar purposes to those of the Association.

All matters not covered by these Regulations shall refer to the rules of the Civil Code.


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